Exploring Miraflores in Lima, Peru

Our local newspaper here in Philadelphia just did an article on the neighborhood of Miraflores in Peru, one of the towns where our volunteers stay with host families.

Miraflores is one of several districts in Peru’s capital city of Lima. It is known for its parks, shopping areas, beaches, and more. (Colin Kerrigan / philly.com)


World’s oldest Buddhist shrine discovered in Nepal

If you’re volunteering in Nepal, especially through our programs in Bijayanagar, you have the unique opportunity to visit the birthplace of Buddha located in the small town of Lumbini.

And now as a bonus, archaeologists in Nepal have just announced that they have discovered traces of the world’s oldest Buddhist shrine at the same temple complex in Lumbini where Buddha (“Siddhartha”) was born.

Lumbini is about 175 miles from Kathmandu and less than 100 miles from Bijayanagar. Our volunteers have been coming to Bijayanagar for the last decade, working at schools, medical clinics and orphanages. So it’s an easy weekend trip to visit Lumbini during your volunteer trip.

The village of Bijayanagar, Nepal:



Temples around Bijayanagar, Nepal:




Global Awareness Films At the Fish

Join Scott from Cosmic Volunteers and our friends in Philadelphia on September 25 for screenings and discussions of several documentaries related to global development.

Event: Global Awareness Films At the Fish
Date: September 25, 2013
Time: 8:00 PM
Place: Walking Fish Theater
Address: 2509 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125
Cost: $7

Trailer for “Graceland Girls”
(about educating girls in Kenya)

Graceland Girls Documentary Trailer 2012 from Jordan Salvatoriello on Vimeo.

Teaching at a School in Nakuru, Kenya

Consider teaching in Nakuru, Kenya. Here are some photos from one of the schools where our volunteers teach. The school has a dormitory for the students (and female volunteers), as well as a medical clinic (“dispensary”).

Nakuru is Kenya’s fourth largest town (pop 300k) and is approximately a 1 hour bus ride from Nairobi. There’s a busy but relatively small downtown in Nakuru, with Lake Nakuru and its pink flamingos one of Kenya’s popular attractions.